Aqua Memorials provide an innovative way to honour your loved one’s memory by including their cremated remains in a renewing water habitat that in turn will help protect our natural world.
Introducing Aqua Memorials
Aqua Memorials provide a unique and lasting tribute to a loved one who had a close connection with the water.
We provide an innovative way to honour your loved one’s memory by making their cremated remains part of renewing water habitats and protecting our natural world. Knowledge of this ongoing renewal can help lessen the burden and bring peace of mind when experiencing the loss of a loved one.
Aqua Memorials has been created to support the environmental renewal of our aquatic environments and to provide a lasting memorial of regeneration for loved-ones. The concept has been brought together by Omega Funerals and Arc Marine.
Our Memorial Services
Our world is mostly made of water, and for thousands of years civilisations developed around rivers, lakes and coastlines.
Many of us continue to be shaped throughout our lives by a deep connection to the water.
Each personal story is unique, and the connection may be through our life’s work, passions, or just that we found our truest selves and a sense of serenity close to the water.

Freshwater Memorials
Each of the memorial cubes we place into marine or freshwater environments help create shelter and a vibrant ecosystem where life can flourish.

Marine Memorials
Each of the memorial cubes we place into marine or freshwater environments help create shelter and a vibrant ecosystem where life can flourish.